Use of Essential Phospholipids (EPL) from Soybean in GESTOSIS

Karl-Josef Gundermann* Department of Pharmacology, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland Abstract Gestosis, toxicosis, and preeclampsia are synonyms for a multifactorial manifestation during pregnancy, which may present different degrees of severity and occur in early pregnancy (e.g. hyperemesis gravidarum) or during the last months of pregnancy, or even short time before delivery (late gestosis). A[Read more]

Essential Phospholipids: Fundamental Facts

Essential Phospholipids: Basis Essential Phospholipids are the primary building blocks of cellular membranes. These membranes are the “containers” that hold the living matter within each cell. They also give definition, shape, and protection to many of the substructures (organelles within the cell like the nucleus and mitochondria) within our cells. Phospholipids align themselves in a[Read more]